Author name: sarah wood

Buscomm Presentation – Things to do to improve an existing website

This week I will be speaking at the  Business Community Milton Keynes meeting on things to do to improve an existing website. You can see my slides here, or  download the PDF along with speaker notes So you had a website built when you started out. It was brilliant, you got an awesome web developer, but

Buscomm Presentation – Things to do to improve an existing website Read More »

How would you feel if your website and email all suddenly stopped working?

Let me ask you another question When was the last time you logged on to your hosting provider and checked your domain and email hosting? I’m doing a website tidyup for a client. yesterday she emailed me. “Sarah – I can’t log on to my hosting and I am not getting any password reset emails”

How would you feel if your website and email all suddenly stopped working? Read More »

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