Connecting wordpress to LinkedIn

A while ago I had a look at connecting wordpress and LinkedIn , you can read about the things I tried in that blog post.

I wasnt very successful. Although I managed to get the blog post across, It required quite a bit of , jiggery-pokery, wasnt as smooth as I would have liked. I ran out of time to investigate it further, and parked it for a rainy day.

Posting to social media - part 2

I have been reasonably good at keeping Facebook and Instgaram up to date, but really havent done much with LinkedIn, and I need to, I really really do.

I ran a little series a few weeks ago, on choosing a web developer, and this seemed a good place to start. 14 posts, already written, just need to schedule them. Facebook/Instagram make this fairly easy to do these days using the facebook Business Suite, so i wanted something similar.

Scheduling to LinkedIn

It seems that there are plenty of ways to schedule to LinkedIn, but They mostly have a cost asociated, and right now, I’m not willing to pay. A couple of suggestions popped up


Zapier looks like a geeks delight. For anyone familiar with IFTTT (If This Then That), it is very similar. The idea is when something happens it causes something else to happen,

e.g. If a  blog post is updated, and a copy is sent to LinkedIn. 

This seemed a win-win, I get a blog post and a linked In post, and I know there a plugins that let me schedule blog posts.

Sadly this was a very quick big fat fail.

The wordpress plugin that needed to be installed was full of “It doesnt work”, “It really doesnt work”, “No the previous reviews weren’t wrong, it doesnt work”. 

I could have explored this further, and I may do, as it is possible to use Google docs and sheets to do a similar jobs as the wordpress blog post, but as this point, I really like the idea of having both a blog post AND a linkedInpost , with minimal effort.

Sad face, and back to the drawing board

WP LinkedIn Auto Publish

Next up, WP LinkedIn Auto Publish . I installed the plugin, and it appeared on my dashboard. A few clicks and I had connected to LinkedIn, and selected the profile to post to, and created what I hope will be the format of the blog post.

Did it work?

Well, sort of. The post was shared, but the content was truncated. This is easily fixed, by only sharing shorted posts, and adding a link to the blog post in the settings of the plugin.

The featured image also did not go across to LinkedIn. The help for the plugin implies it does, so that needs more investigation.


I like this plugin, its so nearly does what I want, so I am going to use it and see if I can tweak it further.

Next up sheduling, but thats another day, another blog post

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